For a lot of people, using a tax agent to lodge your tax return is the easiest way to ensure you’re claiming everything that you’re eligible for. Here’s how tax agents can help you this tax time:
- Claim the tax agent fee as a tax deduction. You might be surprised to learn that the cost of using a tax agent is completely tax deductible.
- Claim more deductions. Tax agents know the ins and outs of the tax system so they’ll be able to help you claim everything you’re entitled to, even things you might not be aware that you’re entitled to claim.
- Claim correctly. If you don’t claim your deductions correctly, you could be hit with a fine from the ATO. Tax agents will help make sure you’ve claimed everything correctly so you can have peace of mind after you lodge your return.
- Help with calculations. Claiming things like home office expenses and car use can be really tricky and time consuming. You’ll often need to create a log book, or show your working for figuring out how much you can claim. Tax agents are professionals at this, so it can save you a lot of time and stress.
- Offer tax tips. Tax agents can also offer you extra tax tips and tips for organising your finances in general.